Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sensible shoes for sensitive feet

I thought "Aha!" moments were supposed to happen in your head; but mine just happened in my feet...

I have been reading a book called "Sensible Shoes: A Story about the Spiritual Journey" by Sharon Garlough Brown. She follows four characters as they meet at a "Spiritual Journey" seminar, taking readers into a lovely story, and a spiritual journey of their own. I will definitely re-read the book, taking time to try out the various spiritual disciplines/ exercises described, as well as reflecting on each character's journey and how it resonates with my own.

What about the sensitive feet, you may ask? Well, a few weeks ago I walked (to church!) in what I thought were comfortable shoes; then next day wore a succession of shoes, including a too-big pair that hurt my feet. Now, as I sit at my desk, my left foot is still sore, feeling as if the ball has been bruised. It has affected so many things over the past weeks, including the buying of new shoes. A pair I bought last week feel, on re-trying, too tight and sore; tomorrow I must try and change them.

Tonight, letting my thoughts roam, the Holy Spirit made the connection for me: my poor sore feet are reminding me of my need for sensible shoes, and providing a metaphor for my need for a spiritual journey in "sensisble shoes"...I will try and turn every twinge into a prayer, looking to "journey deeper into God's heart" as Sharon puts it.

Another "feet" connection: last Sunday one of our pastors, Wesley, prayed for my friend Pam's arthritic feet. He was being obedient to what he had heard God tell him to do. This week, Pam stood up in church to tell us that her feet are indeed better. Wow!

So get out those sensible shoes, and continue to walk this year's journey with me. I so value your company along the way!


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