Friday, April 23, 2021

Unpicking the past

This time last year, I listened to a spokesperson discussing the huge challenges facing the country. He was positive about overcoming them - “like we overcame or solved Apartheid” were more or less his words. 

Solved Apartheid? Is it SO simple? Surely we have come nowhere near... It no longer exists on paper; but its spread, its consequences, are everywhere. 

The image came to mind of how one unpicks a seam or thread in a garment or other piece of fabric. Sometimes the seam is easy to see, and one can cut the thread and give a quick tug and much of it pulls away in one go.

But other seams are harder to see; too tightly sewn or with thread the same colour as the garment, so the seam is near-invisible. It is hard to cut the thread without damaging the cloth; and the stitches must be pulled one by one, painstakingly.

I am reminded of a fingerless glove I recently knitted. It is just a simple rectangle, really, sewn up to leave just one space for the thumb. However, on sewing it up, I forgot to leave a space for the thumb. I've tried several times to unpick it, but I simply can’t find where the seam ends and the glove begins. To rectify it, I will have to sew each end of where the opening should be, then cut it open and then secure any loose threads. The task is so daunting that I have not tackled it - and the glove remains unworn.

I am not deprived of just one glove, either; its completed partner lies idle, waiting for the other to join it to make a usable pair. 

Yet surely we must begin, one careful stitch at a time, to unravel the past without damaging the present, so that we can create a future we all can "use".

And if unravelling seems too hard,

and "solving" seems impossible,

then we must create another way, together.

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