Monday, March 14, 2011

40th birthdays and other fractures

During a relaxing lunch yesterday with Steve's family, we were discussing birthdays and realized that my young(er) husband will be turning FORTY this year. Shock horror. This led of course to speculation about what to DO to celebrate this momentous event... His older sister reckons a quiet weekend away; I am more inclined to a gathering of his favourite friends and heroes. I also spent some time, while writing here, imagining the logistics of being delivered to his office door in a box/cake and emerging in fishnets and a top hat... All suggestions will be gratefully received!

I do pray that turning 40 will not be too much of a hurdle; it seems anyway that 50 is the new 40, so perhaps I won't make too much of a fuss. A fuss IS being made, however, over proposals to mine for gas in the Karoo: a process called hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" for short. If this sounds slightly rude or obscene, it seems that in fact it is: at least, I'd consider it very rude and unfriendly to pump millions of litres of water and chemicals into the underground rock (shale) so that it splits and releases the valuable gas--and leaves behind polluted water, by the sound of it... Watch this space for further rants and useful information about fracking.

Have you discovered yet that you sometimes need to know the answer in order to ask the question? This thought struck me yet again when Gary told us yesterday that a caterpillar has 280 muscles in its head. This was apropos of how amazing God is; but led me to wonder how on earth Gary KNEW this. What encyclopedia did he consult? What words did he Google? From what list of other trivia did he choose that particular gem? I will certainly never look at a caterpillar in the same way again...
May you find wonder in many things.

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